OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Wednesday 29 July 2020



Written by: BARRY AVOTU JOHNSON 1ST - - 09050503077.

Over the years in Nigeria we have witnessed division in politics and the polity and this have made so much struggling to hold power in all political parties across the nation since 1999 when the military handed power to civilians.

It is said to be caused by a greedy and shellfish tendencies displayed by political players over time.

If you search through almost everything in Nigeria that deals with a group or public presentation you will find out that divisional factions have taken over its activities for even no just cause, from political parties to professional organisations and even trade unions are not left out of this division that has destroyed the institutions in Nigeria leaving the walls of authority broken to the floor and thereby displaying the disrespect for the rule of law.

This same issues of division had affected the Development of music in Nigeria over time whereby the Apex body called Pman at the national and in almost all the state of the Federation couldn't find a space for its development.

But for the Abuja chapter of the Pman Organisation, the story have changed to the best for the artists so far. 

This change came yesterday when the Abuja Pman stockholders forum brought the (6) six years struggle to control power between the Julietta and Ndanusa groups mended issues for the good and future of the association.

The Abuja Pman stockholders forum chaired by the world famous unity music star icon Dovie Mena Baba 2010 now known as "BABA 20Jinga" told news men in Abuja at a World Press Conference hosted by the forum to Congratulate the two groups for agreeing to team up as a family to move the association to the next level.

Pman Organisation is one of Nigeria's oldest professional organisations with a classic pass mark in the areas of nation building, economic development and employment Development in Nigeria.

Pman is an association in Abuja that can play host to the fact of employing nothing less than (25,000) twenty five thousand youths and counting without any subvention from government or whosoever O we the years.

The two groups promised to tie their belts together to build a stronger house where every Musician in the fct would bw proud of in no time.

The press conference was attended by some other famous Abuja based music mentors and superstars such as the halfcast pretty Princess Julietta, Chiboy the black Courage who's song made world bill board hit as number (1) one on the charts in Germany and other European countries for several months, Bobby Yinkos the Yoruba super hero singer and so many others time wouldn't allow us mension here. 

The Abuja Pman is coming up with a suppress event in the near future and promised to let the public as soon as the activities of the covid19 issue subsides and allows for people to gather again.

The music industry in general have suffered so much from the lack of support from government and multinational corporations in terms of branding and sponsorship and this has alot to do with the underdeveloped status of the musicians in the fct in general.

They also use this opportunity to ask government and other public selling organisations across Abuja to support their sector by engaging them in the publicity Marketing Strategist of their goods and services to the people.

Pman Abuja have come to stay as all its members are now in a happy mode that they are now one family.

They all agreed that this family goal scored here will be a serious light in the right direction and would build a unity that the association at the national needs so all the states can follow their footsteps.

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