OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Monday 27 July 2020



Written byvby:
Barry Avotu  Johnson 1st - 09050503077,

The preparations for the 2023 general elections in Nigeria have started heating up the polity in the south south region of Nigeria even when Governorship elections are expected to hold in near Edo and Ondo states in a few months from now.

Delta state is said to be in a very high tension as if the elections is already a six months away.
After all everything is been done underground as if nothing is happening for now.
Meanwhile we can see meetings upon meetings holding almost everywhere in the oil rich state of Delta.

The youths have started forming groups to be used as political mechinery for governorship hopefuls who will engage from the primary elections in the different political parties across the state.
We have also seen youths standing up to say this is who we want to work for in the forthcoming elections forgetting themselves as possible aspirants that would be in a good frame to take over the control of political leadership in delta state and Nigeria as a whole.

Sometimes I feel so much pity for our young people when everything they want is to collect funds from older generation politiacans to create awareness for their political movement.

How long should our youths seat down and wait for the older politicians to give them the way. For me if you ask me about this I would rather say it's a big disgrace for our youths to say we don't have the funds to contest elections so therefore we have to work for an old politician who has the money to give.

The youths can take up the battle to control the political landscape of Delta only if they gang-up as a team to build a solid base where they can meet and plan to take power for the good of the people.

Former Delta state Governor Chief Felix Ibru

How long will the youths remain tools of political scatterers, how long would the youth remain as political football left in the hands of political crooks.

This piece is to challenge the Delta state youths to stand up to the occasion of giving themselves for leadership positions so that the older generation can be retired to the background as fathers and advisers.

With these, Delta people would enjoy a solid Democracy dividends from a quality leadership background of a younger generation in the position of authority while our elders remain at the sides to help channel for a much more responsive leadership which would foster faster Development for the state.

Former Delta state Governor Chief James Ibori

We have said this time without number but nobody cares to listen because from time in memorial, youths across Nigeria don't care about whatever happens in government as fra as what they are looking for is at their hands they are okay.

Anytime politicians want to host whatsoever event they need the youths to support their bid, anytime they want to do any burning of houses, killings of political opponents and otherwise it's the youths they need to achieve that but when they get into power the youth enjoy little or even nothing from appointments and to enjoy the ordinary basic amenities that is expected from the men who did everything possible to take power.

Our call now is based on this fact, and the question remains, why long? Our youths in delta, this questionnaire is for you as you read this piece today or whatever time you come across it on newspapers and the social media platforms.
1. Are you not tired for being used by politicians
2. Are you not shameful while used by politicians to carry out kidnapping, killings and burning down houses of opposition candidates.
3. How long will you. Continue to be a youth.
4. When you get out of the youth category as a person what would you say you did while you were a youth.
5. How do you feel killing someone for a politician that would never help you when he or she enters power
6. Which mind to you have to enjoy blood money as a person.
7. Do you know that every evil that politician makes you commit will hunt you and your children unto the fourth generations in Destiny.
Just imagine the pain you would be causing your children, grand children, great grand children and your great, great grand children because of just #1Million highest payment for such a job.

It is very shameful that all the Delta state Governors who have served in several years and now do not have political capacity to build youth leaders from the youths who run around them during elections so that these young men and women can grow into Positive thinking political element of Democracy that would be solid replacement in governance.

Senator Ovie Omo-agege
Every politics in Delta is about sharing the money.
And these can not help the state at all. This is because some day very near this same youths would grow into a gang of thives, gang of kidnappers, gang of criminals and bandits and militants that would even be worst than even the dreaded Boko Haram that the northeast is suffering today. Moreover we all know that Boko Haram started like this, where some politicians formed the group and paid them to help host campaigns and after elections they would be neglected and again and again and it happened, and one day they decided to start off a military group based on the need to get their own space to operate as lords and here they are today with even foreign support from other groups is reaching them so they can continue in the battle to be self reliant as a people.

We are not praying for this to happen in delta but with the going of how youths are been used around here surely we should expect such from the youths if care is not taken.

Official PDP logo

The almighty Chief James Ibori, Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan, chief Felix Ibru, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, James Manager, Olorogun O'tega, Great Ogboru and even our dear deputy Senate President himself doesn't see it as a point of call to build the capacity of the a youth leadership that would take over from where they would eventually stop.

With these am very sure they all wish to remain in power forever. Am very sorry about this, am not trying to disrespect anybody here but the truth most be told, they are all selfish leaders who don't have the capacity to build youths into leadership positions not even in the forthcoming 2023 elections.

Chief Olorogun O'tega Delta APC Founder
All they are planning and holding meetings for is on how they can take Delta state as Governor, as senators, as members of Reps and all that.
Why can't they pretend to even provide a leadership capacity centre where the youths would be given the opportunity to be trained as future leaders for the state so we can beat our chest and say yes in delta state we have youths who can perform as the best Governor, senator, minister and otherwise in Nigeria.

We have gone round and round Delta state and discovered that no Delta state politician has a place for youth capacity building since Delta was created out of the old Bendel state. All we can see are fake sign post of skills aqusition program scattered all over our dear Delta state created by se past administration and the government of the day and some legislators so small evidence of their constituents project can be seen while the major amount of the funds are find inside their bank accounts.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa
As we struggled in our investigation to find out a way to build and create a honest youth leadership capacity centre we came across the Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba Foundation who is majored in the development of the Delta youth in leadership capacity building and we were like wow, at least we have seen one person who's interested in the reformation of the Delta youth as making up quality leaders for the future of Delta state.

We have been trying to get in touch with the Rufus Ebegba Foundation for a possible exclusive interview on their programs on the leadership capacity development of our youths across Delta.

Captions to promote the fight against public funds looting by politicians
The founder of the Organisation is a Delta state personality from the Ughelli north axis. He's the pioneering and current Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) in Abuja.

He's an agricultural and environmental expert with so many years of government administrative frame work, policy drafting and project execution experience and a philitropist extraordinary with a listless scholarship to motherless children and widows across Delta and Nigeria as a whole.

Dr Rufus Ebegba himself
Founder of the Rufus Ebegba Foundation

We shall push for a special exclusive interview with this great Delta state personality who understands the values of creating a space for the youths of Delta state to be trained in leadership capacity building.

We thank the Rufus Ebegba Foundation for ever thinking along the line of creating such a centre to build the youths of Delta state on leader capacity because it's not easy to have the will to do such a thing.
We have alot of men in delta who are much more richer and connected with bigger influence in government but didn't build such a centre so we should hail such an action and so much more from the depth of our hearts.

We like to also call honestly no bigger men in politics who have benefited so much from the beginning of the creation of our Delta state to learn from Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba for creating such an important opportunity for our youths to be built as future Leaders. Men like our dear O'Gara local politics strong gate, Chief James Ibori himself, a man after my own heart anytime everyday, the day I would meet with you chief Ibori I will surely tell you a very suppressing story about the real James Ibori that your yourself do not know; Great Ogboru ever loveth by the people and always plotting missions.
APC founder in Delta state as far as the party is concerned Chief Olorogun O'tega the controller of spoilers votes, I will explain anytime I come to my village in Evwreni when I see you sir, but that is who you are.

Chief Great Ogboru

Senator Ifeanyi Okowa is yet another man who I see as one of the luckiest governors in Nigeria so far because the opposition in delta is very shambles so distractions to perform is not available.
But you must be told the truth, Mr governor sir, you have not done enough in the area of youth leadership capacity building.
Hope you know you won't remain as governor of Delta state forever. And when you are handing over power in 2023 you will be judged like the others are judged after their tenor in office.

I know you would love to return to the senate which is going to be very hard for you accept that you change your pattern of leadership where the youths are not given the opportunity to be trained as their own leaders in the future.
At least you saw what happened to the man who handed over power to you in 2015 how he was disgraced in the ordinary primary elections. In the capacity of a man who was immediate past governor shouldn't find it difficult to get to the senate. It is poor youth empowerment by the Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan administration that led to such an insult that automatically retired him from politics.

Official APC logo

I know you will never want to be seen as such a man after reading the hand writing on the wall. Hope you know that a good politician learns everyday and learns from anybody be it a small or old person.

Dr Rufus Ebegba is one good person you also have to borrow this true knowledge from as a governor who would grow above their mentors. Instead of waiting to receive orders from Ibori who is your political father at all times make him proud by giving quality leadership to the Delta state people in the values of a youth leadership capacity building so that tomorrow same youths would be your shield when you are out of power as Delta Governor.
Senator James Manager
And finally to the man who by law is supposed to be the leader by heirack no matter what it takes in the south south region great Senator Ovie Omo-agege.
We personally challenge all of you to follow this good example of creating the opportunity to build the youths in leadership capacity so we as Deltans can have quality leadership in the future.

Don't forget that as soon as we have the exclusive interview with Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba Foundation we shall let you see it live and read it too. So our youths can take advantage of the opportunities abound by the activities of the foundation.

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