OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Tuesday 21 July 2020



Written by - BARRY AVOTU JOHNSON 1ST, 09050503077,

This piece is written in the mode of the event that took place at the moment of the Interview at the house of representatives panel of inquiry's on the alledge issues of uncountable funds spent by the management of the Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC in the last two leadership.
Minister of Niger Delta ministry
Senator Godswill Apkabio speaksl live
The lion king of the south south himself
Senator Godswill Apkabio: Ministry of Niger Delta Nigeria.
Over the years nigerians have not seen such perspective in our Democracy where a commission's management is called by the law makers to account for their expenditure.

We have come to a time where every individual in public position must defend every amount spent in projects so the abuse of power and corrupt practices can be checked at all times.

Nigerians were glad that at least heads of agencies could still be invited by the national assembly to account for funds kept under their care unlike in the past when appointed politicians are appointed into agencies and they do whatever they like with the funds and even the staff themselves.

Some days ago we witnessed our house of Reps Members as they tactically summoned and rudely questioned Nigeria's superlative agent for the uncommon transformation agenda and the minister of the Niger Delta ministry with their Constitutional powers.

We also saw how their questions slumped the NDDC managing director who's answering tactics didn't March up with theirs, and how the south south Superman himself, Senator Godswill Apkabio responded with his evaporating voice of sincerity and commitment to the development of Nigeria.

It's not all political appointees that loot Nigeria and it's time for us to start thinking positive about our politicians because our trust goes a long way to bultress the image of politics and governance in Nigeria.

If one man stole doesn't mean all politicians are thives. We have seen politicians who served Nigeria and do not have a home of themself after serving the people.

Nigeria Court of Arms
We have also seen politicians who are K own to be thives without pity at all. And these are the kinds that finish any agency given to them to manage. They don't care about whatever happens. All they know is what they want to loot from where they are appointed to serve and sometimes if you ask me I would say it's not their fault because those who appointed them don't supervise them in what they are doing so whatever works they do they do the supervision by themselves so the end results falls on a Blackwell.

But in th case of the NDDC issue we can state herein that the minister managed himself to the extent that the reps had to apologize and appeal to him to stop talking meaning that his Godswill Apkabio understands the game of politics from the beginning to the end. 

A minister who understands what it takes to talk over the panel of inquiry's setup by the reps house is a man with so much wisdom. 
Apkabio knows how the rules of the game of politics works in Nigeria having been a state Governor for eight years and a senator for four years also. Legislature in Nigeria is also still undergoing a serious learning process because most of them came to the house with no experience of legislation. Most of them do not have the institutional dignity to operate as legislators. 

A good legislator would never talk into another person's word and if you look at the session very well you would notice that even the Chairman has no control of other members. You could hear the members asking different questions from every side of the table.
We saw questions coming like accusations and counter accusations which is not professional at all for a legislative character.

They need to be educated and mobilized to act as legislators so that the work can be easier for them. To me they acted like garage boys who try to fill a bus with passengers that would be going for a trip.
 The Members of the assembly must be given the opportunity to be trained to operate as certified legislator or else it's a pity to Nigeria as a nation that operates a Democracy system of government.

Instead of pretending to be okay with the level of service rendered by the national assembly, we must understand that our nation must build institution rather than building individuals as we have seen over the years.
The official logo of APC
For my school of thought, I would say Senator Godswill Apkabio flooded the Committee'with his influence and totally took control of the session as an experienced former governor and senior legislator. 
So on this note instead of hearing the drama of how funds were spent at the NDDC we were listening to the sound education given to the reps Committee's by the uncommon transformation agenda ambassador in the personality of Senator Godswill Apkabio which is honestly unfortunate.

It stands as a record that we as Nigerians still have alot of work to do in the area of education for the legislature and also in the area of appointing medically sound individuals to hold public political positions so that we don't continue to have people's father and grandfather fainting like sick rats who didn't have a piece of bread to eat in the crooks.

And for the NDDC management, it's the for Nigerians to know that the same looting we have seen so far has the same ink style of operation in all the establishment of government in Nigeria so the commission is not the only place where corruption takes place. 
Even in the villa where general Buhari works there are very corrupt government persons working there too so the corruption matter is not only in the NDDC, it's in this country a minister told the world that billions of naira was disbursed to Nigerians in one week when the PVC of millions of Nigerians was not able to be given in eight years.

Corrupt people are everywhere, in this nation we saw an SFG who also is charged for stealing millions of naira and nothing was done to him. We have records of alot of criminals who served this administration and nothing have been done to them. 
It's only in Nigeria that politicians destroy the Political history of someone by denting an image. 
It is only in Nigeria that we see politicians plan a coup against a person because of a forth coming elections. 
All these and other pamutations are coming on the heels of the 2023 general elections in Nigeria. 
If Senator Godswill Apkabio is getting it hot from his political opponents from now it means that he's still has a solid control of his political landscape as a formidable aspirant for the position of the vice president of the APC will finally give that vice president position to the south south ahead of the elections.
Nigerian politicians can do anything to keep themselves in control of a political area. And on this note we have seen the film play itself into reality even when the practitioners have not publicly made any official statement that they are interested in being whatsoever in the next coming dispensation.

With all we have seen so far. The lion King of the south south in the capacity of Senator Godswill Apkabio himself is feared to be in total control of politics in the south and to finally take over the south South region as the political heavy weight must have been the battle of who runs the NDDC management as the case maybe.

But with what we have seen so far over the weekend, there have been a political gang-up to break the political formation of the uncommon transformation agenda forces across Nigeria so that the leader would be incapacitated before hand. 
Unfortunately for this new political group riding blindly from the south south the Senator Godswill Apkabio political mechinery has a cooling system designed for such sideline distractions as it has been discribe as a side attraction under total control.
 One of the lovers of the uncommon transformation agenda ambassador talked with me as decided to do this story feature said the new group can't hold water.
They have nothing to hold when the time of battle comes. We have been around for some years now and our leader will not seat down and just look at all this nonesense plans to destroy our hardwork built for years.
They can't be disturbed in the line of duty. We have come of age and nothing can stop the uncommon transformation agenda team from putting Nigeria back on track. We did it in Akwa Ibom state for eight years as executive governor, and for four years as senator and nothing can stop us from moving Nigeria forward for the good of the people.
The best thing to do is to join forces with us to build a strong and better Nigeria. Anyone who dears our team shall be discarded from politics totally with a no retirement benefits. We shall not allow a bad decision on the Development Nigeria to take place and by the grace of God almighty we shall continue to work our best to build a Nigeria of our choice.

He also said Godswill Apkabio is a leader we Nigerians must trust at all times because he has the capability to build a greater south south region at all cost. 
God'swill Akpabio is a minister that has the people at heart. 
In the past contracts are been given without execution and nothing happens but now that senator Godswill Apkabio runs the ministry every contract given must be executed and all contactors owed have been paid.
Senator Godswill Apkabio is a man of goodwill and has the capability to do the right things for Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC as a supervisory minister approved by the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.

People must stop talking bad about people. Every accusations must have an evidence to prove that such crimes are committed. 
Look at what the people are saying about a man that has so much love for the Niger Delta region.

For me I think we need to send an apology to Senator Godswill Apkabio for been a minister that didn't allow contractors get contracts and refuse to do them and want to collect payment as the case was in past regimes.

All am saying as a Niger Delta region person too is that we try as much as we can to accuse people based on the capability of evidence so we don't destroy the Political future of a person.

A man can't build a reputation of et the years while some group of greedy politicians just start carrying untrue stories about all in the gains of taking over the position so that their corrupt practices can continue. 

Niger Delta region people must not allow any person plant a wrong seed of hatred and disunity among the people of Niger Delta because this is also a plan to put the region under confusion which shouldn't be allowed. 

We shall bring you a special exclusive interview with the Niger Delta minister the lion king do the south south himself so he can talk to us on the drama so far holding the south south people against themselves.
We shall give you a blow to blow account of this special interview live on our channel via Facebook as soon as we have an interview appointment date with Senator Godswill Apkabio the honorable Minister of the Niger Delta Ministry.

So stay stayed to the BTV TELEVISION NETWORK LIMITED on facebook as you like our page to be informed when the Interview is on live. 
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