OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Saturday 25 May 2019


Written by: Barry Avotu Johnson 1st – 08174493381

A lot of people might start asking me who am I to say kogi needs a governor in the capacity of a Mohammed shaibu Tettes. The bulk of the questions will be coming from the ruling APC and even the opposition PDP too. Its a big thing to say that governor yahaya bello would only be replaced with a nobody in politics. When I say a nobody in politics am talking about a political green horn who plays as a new comer.
Anyone who have played politics in kogi state in the past as a governorship aspirant from whatsoever political party can not stand the battle against bello. My reasons are the ten (10) practical worries we are going to be talking about today in this piece.
First and foremost, before I start doing my listings I crave everyone’s indulgence to state here that politics is a game of numbers as well as it is a game of calculation and manipulations. Literally, politics is defined as the struggle for the control of power between the good, bad and the ugly. And over the years we in this part of the world have not looked up to the last point of call in terms of the last man standing, and that last man is called up to be the ugly in these political definition.
For those who understand that politics is also a game of business, it should be a reality thinking that the business aspect of politics is the major issues why democracy comes into action. And the business inside of it is to be seen as the business of the people and of its development, that’s why a person could be admitted to study political science as a profession, graduating as a political scientist who enters the labour market to serve the people as a professional.
Now, let’s go straight into the reason for this write up that will leave a lot of people in the PDP and the ruling party in a serious thinking mode.
In the politics of kogi state of today there’s nothing anybody can do to erase the names of Yahaya Bello and Edward Onoja as men who dared to disconnect the ruling class from holding power in the state. As far as they are concerned they are working very hard to make sure that kogi state moves to the next level according to their ring leader in aso rock who adopted the word “Next Level” as the economic policy phrase for his 2nd term bid. President buhari is addressed as the ringleader in this agenda because almost all what Bello is doing in kogi as a governor is known to him and bello has Mr president’s blessing to move on with whatsoever as far as it betters the lives of the people, forgetting that its not all economic policies that is applicable to good and quality leadership.
The intensions of  Bello and Edward as a team that is craved at transforming kogi state would be real from the depth of their hearts but might not be yielding as the people expect because some policies yield very slow while another might be faster. It depends on the driver and the conductor of the project in question.
With all these, we have been able to put two and two together to discover that the four plus four return ticket to the government house in lokoja might be a difficult task if the PDP presents a personality such as Mohammed TETTES to run against governor Bello.
The practical reasons why we have a resolute political diagnosis results that is reading a hot battle against the APC in kogi with a Mohammed Tettes is outlined for our elucidations in terms of digging out ways to participate in the constructive discussions about how the major political parties can find solace in presenting superior personalities to stand firm till the end of the road come November.
Categorically, we have looked out for several ways to talk with Mohammed Shaibu Tettes on burning issues that the people would love to hear as a strong word from the horses mouth but we have not been approved for that requested exclusive interview yet. Although we have gone ahead of time to analytically bring out the fact bending on some better ways to unfold a strong candidate for the PDP in the forthcoming party primary elections.
Our interest in discussing the possible political battle between the PDP, UDP and the APC is based on producing a sound element as the new governor of kogi state, a man that can look the truth in the eyes and do the needful without the interferences of whosoever.
Rolling down to our ten (10) points why ten (10) Edwards and ten (10) Bellos can’t stop the PDP from taking power.
1. Economy
2. Tribe
3. Politics
4. Education
5. Experience
6. Responsibility
7. Integrity
8. Acceptance
9. Antecedents
10. Structure
We should all open our ears very well so that all we are saying can be understood and not taken for a brief from anybody whosoever.
We can all see it clearly that kogi state is at the moment not running any economic policy that is known to the public, so therefore it is seen as if the government is rocking the walls with a blind master plan that is known only to the persons said to be in power.
An economic policy is said to be a plan outlined on paper that is designed to work out ways how the people can enjoy the basic needs of life which is the major reason for any person or group of people should want to capture power. Everybody knows what kogi state is facing right now. The state is said to be among the list of the poorest states in the world with so much God given human and natural resources which is scattered across the state.
A Mohammed Tettes after making it out against other aspirants to emerge as the PDP strong stroke in the forthcoming primaries should be able to turn the economic values of the state into a very profitable agenda that would create employment for the people. Bello is said to have an agenda to better the lots of the people called the New direction but the people said they have not seen much from the policies carried out by such a project for the four years the APC took power with Bello as governor.
The tribal contention that will bring Mohammed Shaibu into play as the most favourable against Bello if considered as the PDP magic fingers has a lot to do with the displacement of a fellow Igala son in the person of Edward Onoja who is also a new school politician but not the prime suspect in the election so can’t do otherwise to work out votes for Bello from the east no matter what he has done in the presidential elections that saw the APC tsunamizing votes for Buhari at all cost. It is said that a governorship election is much more difficult to win than a presidential elections. So kogi state apc will witness a tight battle against a PDP fielding a Mohammed Tettes at the end of the day. Every tribe in a state wants to see their son as the governor so its not any crime to say the igalas wants to produce the 2019 governor of kogi as it is the tradition over time. Practically it is sure that with a Mohammed TETTES as the PDP candidate for this forthcoming governorship elections in kogi the whole of igala nation will come out to do whatsoever is needed to break heavens for their man to enter.
The politics of governorship elections in kogi is a very tight one because of their political style of voting. The camps have been divided into formidable machineries that we have seen so far.
Edward Onoja and governor Bello controls one of the machinery which is said to be the newest of all, former governor Ibrahim idris and Captain Idris Wada are said to be struggling to lead another team controlling a political force in the state while the last political machinery is controlled by three men who don’t even know their machineries work as a twine with the death of Prince Abubakar Audu who was the greatest of all master planner and warlord in the political arena of Kogi state.
These three men have shown so much strength in holding down political actions since Audu was removed by the hands of death. One of the personality of this particular political gangup doing very well in kogi state undermining the fights against them by the national leadership of the APC in abuja is Senator Dino Melaye representing the kogi west constituency. And with our calculations on the style of voting a governor into office in kogi this man called Dino plays a serious role and if his support is not given there will be a huge setback for whosoever wants to be governor. Other members of the strong hold in the last political machinery in kogi politics is the United Democratic Party UDP governorship candidate doing so much underground to capture the government house from the hearts of the youths with a very silent methodology used by men like the Barack Obama of the united states of America, Emeje is said to be a very secret protégé of late prince Abubakar Audu of blessed memories. He has a total number of personalities attached to his camp over the years for one or two favours facilitated by him on their behalf while prince was kogi governor. And time to pay back for such gestures is now. One Ibrahim names withheld is another factor to crack in kogi state politically.
In 2015 kogi governorship elections prince Audu won with a huge margin without any vote buying or terrorism by anybody, Ibrahim is said to own one of the largest telecommunications company in kogi state. He’s company is said to have provided employment to kogi people over the years. His said to be in a serious alliance with Emeje in finding a vote smith that can open a larger percentage of how power can be taken away for good from a lucky Bello who didn’t contest in the general elections that made him the governor just like Rotimi Ameachi who won a court case against the contested candidate in Sir Celestine Omeha Years back.
With our calculations, any governorship candidate that can hold tight these three (3) prince Abubakar Audu men is automatically the next governor of kogi state come rain, come shine.
We worked through the academic qualification of both Mohammed Tettes and governor Bello and discovered that TETTES holds a PhD while governor Bello when last we checked his website, runs with just a degree which is almost like nothing in Nigeria today when compared with the standard of our education that have suffered so much from the APC Buhari's sleeping administration.
Kogi needs a well educated person that can touch the lives of the people. We are not saying a first degree doesn’t make one an educated person but in this time of providing a much more sound element in leadership a first degree is required to be topped with at least a masters so it can work in the life of the person in taking critical actions in leadership. Although sometimes even a first degree doesn’t count as far as the person in question has the charisma of a good leader that will do the right thing at the right time. More so, a much more educated person is needed to govern kogi as a state on the move again.
We have seen a Bello with a working experience with a federal government organisation before he took power. Most people don’t see anyone coming out from a person with a government establishment experience as a person with trust in handling power because over the years we have seen government workers displays much bad leadership character of looting funds of government and reckless in spending funds meant for other things for another without a proper expenditure breakdown.
It is known that 99.9% of government workers are interested in looting and this has been a case against good and quality leadership.
The private sector where Mohammed TETTES worked for so many years is a sector that is the engine room of the Nigerian economy over the years. Mohammed played a huge role in the revolutionary steps taken by Nigerian breweries PLC and even Guinness where he worked as a sales and regional manager according to his profile we took from his personal website while writing this story.
Work experience is very key and Mohammed Shaibu TETTES has it all, its only for the PDP to look it over and take the advantage of presenting the strong posture of a Mohammed TETTES as its candidate to clear Bello off the Luagard house in days to come.
We have not seen any responsibility in the present APC government in the centre with president Buhari as president of Nigeria and so it is in almost all the APC led States in Nigeria so far accept for Lagos state roles by the influence of the people and close markings.
Look at Kaduna state before the APC took power it was relatively peaceful, Immediately the APC took power Kaduna became a killing post and the governor who was sworn into office with an oath to protect the lives and property of the people has not kept that promise. People are killed on a daily bases and nothing is been done to salvage the issue of insecurity in all the APC States. And on this note kogi state is not exempted from others, we have seen so much killings from the Fulani herdsmen and nothing have been done to them, the governor is even said to said he is ready to accommodate the Fulani herdsmen in kogi in a range arrangement after they have killed the people and destroyed their farms. The kidnapping in kogi has gone very high. People are missing everyday. Nothing is been done. And the new direction government have never for once hold itself responsible for everything happening in kogi. The people have continued to say it, every APC government at the centre and in almost all the states are not responsive so therefore are all not responsible. They are just there to wait for monthly allocations from the centre to pay salaries if they like and the rest of the money God knows what happens to it because it will end it called security votes as the tradition is over the years.
With what the nation is passing through today it is obvious that the APC has no integrity as a political party talk less of its governors or ministers under their watch. Every governor and minister serving under the APC administration of Buhari does whatever they want as far as they are not caught in the looting act. All the promises the APC promised the people have not been given and they have no shame to also want to tie the failure on the ranks of the PDPs long time rule with sixteen (16) years in power.
Mohammed TETTES showed so much integrity as a private sector expert who left office working for the most profitable and respected beverage making company in Africa and till today you can see that even the DSS and the efcc have no case against him in whatever way. He’s a totally clean person we should be thinking of giving our vote to if we honestly wish the best for our state.
But on the other hand the allegations of fraud and reckless spending levelled against this administration by a serving senator in the person of senator Dino is expected to be questionable by the people at this time that kogi is entering an electioneering period. All these and many more should be used in measuring leadership of integrity which should play 6% of the reason why a person be given the trust to serve at all.
Our sources say to be candid, there are some places Bello can not go to campaign when the times of thick politicking comes. The east of kogi is said to be a no go area for Bello as a governor who is said to be packaged with impunity like Buhari is been accused off by Nigerians. Although we have seen videos and photos of governor Bello moving across bonds in the state during political rallies and flag offs.
We were even told by some political leaders that APC is not accepted in some part of kogi state as a party that is wished to return to power. This is because they said the political zone is saying Bello is benefiting from a work they did in 2015 and he doesn’t appreciate their works.
Mohammed TETTES is a green horn in the kogi politics and is not well known to some quarters but he’s accepted when his name is mentioned and he knows where to tread his trade and when to speak and even to be seen in public. Kogi state needs a person that carries so much value in the acceptance of the people. The people accepting you as a candidate plays a very important role in every winning. And Mohammed is a sure accepted figure with the way those who know him talks on his credibility and integrity as a person. We carried out our own research and his candidacy will sure receive a much more wide acceptance by the kogi east and others with support from men like Dino in question.
The political battle between governor Bello and Senator Dino has a lot to do with the way the kogi people will vote in the forthcoming elections.
Although the governor have countlessly opened up that he has no hand in the recall project against Senator Dino, we all can do a pointing finger drama and the fingers must stop at the tables of the APC in the state and the national because if the party has no hand in that sold-out movie produced by the award winning supposed political organisation turned a film house, the leaders of the party would have called up the senator and those fighting him at the state for a round table talk show that would have won a Grammy awards as the best African political film in Africa acted by real characters based on a true life story.
Instead of finding ways to better the lives of the people the APC spent so much funds on a lost fight, in fact went too far to be finding ways to remove their own party man from power.
The political structure of governor Yahaya Bello in kogi is described as the most newest of all. And this political machine as its called by lovers of it said the governor is a typical personality in Nigeria. A man who is sealed to return to government house by his people. The people have decided to get Bello back in office come November.
The highest thing that can hang against Bello is for the people to build up strong pit falls with a much more closing where he’s not going to be able to move in terms of a basic removal plan already underway by the opposition.
There’s no politician that doesn’t have a political plan on how he or she will take over the structures of the others. On these matter we talked with some good and quality politicians , making up tents that can be used in supporting Bello’s return. Another team of great politicians are already working hard to dislodge APC from power.
Mohammed Shaibu Tettes will be very shocked and perplexed as in the manner the igala nation would push up loads off their support donation into reality. All they are waiting for is for the party to present a Tettes for the final battle against APC.
Every time I write a piece on this 2019 kogi state governorship elections I wonder what will happen at the election day, because the people are the most deceptive and sometimes disgruntled during elections and until the last minutes politicians can’t get a total hold on the support of winning elections.
Let’s see how the ball will be played by each player starting from the nominations at the party primaries where electoral irregularities are legal in the face of the electoral organizers and observers from inec and the political parties respectively.
Kogi is already up in dark clouds from the burning fire that was put up by the governor, senator Dino and the peoples senator called Natasha.
But with the looks of things we are very sure that Yahaya  Bello and Edward Onoja will fight harder to return to office because the forces against the both of them is boiling bigger, hotter and stronger.
We hear that some members of their immediate families have also joined in the struggles to let them go so new people can be checked in to redefine kogi state as a state on the move.
For Mohammed Shaibu Tettes as the next man PDP might field as candidate, there won’t be another bidding place for him to provide answers to a lot of questions begging for answers. We shall surely give you other PDP hopefuls exclusive interview so that we can both send our construes forward for a possible response.
We are looking forward to getting great men like Engineer Musa Wada, Abdulrazaq Emeje and Idris Abubakar to provide some insight on their aspiration for the seat of the governor come November.
We are branded as a watch dog for the people as our constitutional rights, duties and we have decided to bring you all you will ever need to know about the political calculations making the rounds on positive aspirants and their party politics for the presentation of a fire brand candidate to stand for the party at the general elections.

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