OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Saturday 17 September 2022

BTV TELEVISION NETWORK Release NRM Presidential Candidate Authentic Felix Johnson Osakwe Bio Details


BTV TELEVISION NETWORK Release NRM Presidential Candidate Authentic Felix Johnson Osakwe Bio Details To The World

Ambassador Felix Johnson Osakwe is a classic and talented Clergyman, Respected Diplomat, Humanitarian Ambassador and a successful business personality in Nigeria and beyond.

Johnson was the Presidential 
candidate of the DPP in the 2019 elections and the convener of the Raise Nigeria Again movement, a network of patriotic Nigerians devoted to the ideals of social reform and national Cohesion, and the presidential candidate of the National Rescue Movement NRM for the 2023 presidential elections in Nigeria.

Felix Johnson Osakwe is from Ukwuani Local government of Delta State, was born in Ilesha, Osun state where he spent most of his youth and attended the Apostolic Primary School ijebu-jesha, he also attended Calvary Bible College Osun State where he obtainedDiploma In Theology.

Osakwe speaks a very good percentage of the Yoruba language as if he's from there because of his very strong sense of understanding a language without waiting to be taught. 

To facinate your thinking of the personality of Osakwe, the people of llesha loves him to the core that they said he's from the place, they don't want to hear anyone say Osakwe is from Delta State because of the positive character in inside his person as a young growing man who showed so much respect and value for people and their culture in general.

When you put Osakwe out in a line with his mates in life he's always better than what you will ever think because in whatever he does he's always better of others, he's a very cool and nice person and when Ina place you hardly know he's the one in question.
He hardly differentiate him from those working for him as staff.
Osakwe is a man who understands leadership to the highest point in life, business, ministry and politics.
He's a soft personality t

He joined the Redeemed Christian Church of God, as a teenager in 1980 and rose to become one among the first Evangelist of RCCG. 

He lived in the South west until the late 1990s and moved to the US to further his work as a preacher of the Gospel. 
Following his travel to the united state of America Amb. 

Felix Johnson Osakwe studied Legal and Criminal Justice at Ashworth University Atlanta, Georgia USA. 
He further obtained Bachelor’s Degree In Theology (B.Th) and Masters Degree In Theology (M.Th) from Freedom University And Theological Seminary USA. 

He also attended Billy Graham Evangelical Seminary Florida USA.

He was Confirmed with a Honorary Doctorate Degree (PHD) Philanthropic Management from Freedom University And Theological Seminary USA. 

And a Honorary Doctorate Degree (PHD) 
Doctor Of Divinity And Public Administration from Highstone International University USA.

Because of his personality in leadership, Osakwe will always receive honoraries degrees which he has refused to collect for reasons best known to him which official letters from alot of higher institutions of learning in Nigeria and beyond. 
When he was asked why he doesn't want to take more honoraries in his words he said; I don't think I have done enough in life to be receiving honoraries everywhere I go. 

He said in every university or institute he has received invitation as a visiting lecturer he has been offered the opportunity to receive an honorary doctorate degree and that should be the reason why he must have gone there to pure out his God given gift of leadership to other persons. 
He said when the time comes he will collect all the other honoraries waiting for him but for now he wants to focus on building institutions and formulating men in leadership with quality leadership skills most especially in Nigeria where leadership is lacking.

He serves as the Director of Executive Affairs, UPF Nigeria, where he engages actively with critical stakeholders and duty bearers in social, economic and political spaces within and outside Nigeria, lending his diplomatic skills and expertise to peace brokerage and crisis 
management, intersecting corporate excellence with social good. 

He also worked under the teachings of the redeemed christain church of GOD as an evangelist so some years before been blessed to found his own ministry abroad, where he has touched the lives of millions of people across the global with his teachings of the life of Christ and salvation to mankind.

His humble submission as a Clergy man in the united States of America provided him the opportunity to serve as a man of God that is called the solution certified mechinary for Nigerians, Africans and other race.

He was sorted and consulted as a solution provider for foreigners who fall into one or two problems while staying in the united States and that made him became the answer to problems affecting Nigerians and black people in general.

Everywhere Osakwe worked or ministers the people are left with at least something to take home for launch or dinner.
He's a man who preaches giving and acts it like no other.
He gives like he owns everything not even knowing that one day after preaching he gave everything in his pocket which includes his ticket to catch a train back home from another city from where he resides in the US.
He gives to a fault. He's giving lifestyle makes him look adorable to every wanting person who comes across him in life. 
He practically lives a life of giving as a person.

Amb. Felix Johnson Osakwe have been in involved in several diplomatic functions within and outside the shores of Nigeria such as leading a delegation to the world leadership conference 
held in south Korea in 2020.

Osakwe is a leadership consultant with many years of public speaking on issues that is ranging from politics, economy, leadership and social life in general.
He has taught and delivered lectures in conferences, workshops and symposiums across Nigeria and beyond.

He has also taught heads of governments on how they can navigate from a broken economy to a stabilized recovered economy.

He has the skills and have time without numbers giving the services of setting up the economic recovery agenda for nations that required his services overtime.

He also has a huge emotion centered at fighting to protect, preserve and restore the integrity and reputation of Nigeria to the world in terms of a sequence forensic findings on looted funds from Nigeria scattered across the world.

Osakwe understands the geographic tongue of the politics of Nigeria to the highest level where he can even outline the happenings of political agenda from the north south east and west put together.

In Osakwe's words; 
He says, politics is like the game of draft and only those who can draft well can survive in the game and those who don't play by the rules of the game gets their hands burnt beyond resumable recognition which alot of politicians have suffered from. 

He is today the Presidential Candidate of National Recuse Movement, (NRM) for 2023 presidential election in Nigeria with the Mandate to raise Nigeria again building on the precepts of rescuing this nation and setting her on the path of Recovery and Restoration. 

And as the ratio rolls, so far Osakwe have entered the list of the best 5 presidential candidates tapped to winning the 2023 presidential elections because of the influence and credibility his personality carries at the moment.

A presidential candidate with the value restoring peace, unity of prosperity for the people of Nigeria.

In the words of the General Editor Inchief of BTV TELEVISION NETWORK, Jacob Olufemi Adams; 
"Ambassador Felix Johnson Osakwe is only the REPUTABLE MAN we can see in the picture of a SOUND PRESIDENT for Nigeria come 2023 without any fears or favor" 

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