OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Tuesday 30 June 2020


Senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege;

Written by: BARRY AVOTU JOHNSON 1ST - 09050503077.

Senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege
Deputy Senate President Nigeria
As the 2023 general elections runs like a speed of light, as if there's no tomorrow across Nigeria, a cross section of politicians have started making moves in the formation of their political foot soilders that will end up delivering the golden eggs.

One of such persons who hails from the south south state of Delta is the current deputy Senate President, a solid barrister at law, a respected chief from the ORHOBO nation and a distinguished legislature with a credible background as a businessman of repute who is also known as a superman using spider webs as a solid crossover jumbpologist over the years just to be in power by all means.
Senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege Omo-agege
We saw him move from the peoples democratic party PDP after he lost a primary election as a senatorial aspirant holding a case against the PDP to join the labour party where was rigged out of electoral business at the final general elections but reclaim his mandate by the hands of the law. And in his second term entrance he joined the All Progressive Congress APC, a house said to be in the largest war the world knows on any political party in Nigeria and discribe as the fuji-house of commotion nicknamed after a television series that made name worldwide in its airing on our national TV some years back.
Senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege
APC South South New Leader
In this piece, senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege the Delta lion is trading on a sleepy floor as he is said to be under fire to contest the 2023 Delta governorship under the APC in delta, a political party that still has alot of work to do in the area of unifying the divided house that came together to form the forces against the PDP in 2015 and in 2019.

The delta state APC is not well at the moment in terms of the agreement to work for the common good of the the people of Delta state with what we have seen so far, but when you ask an ordinary Member of the party all you will hear is we are one family now forgetting the fact that we as a people can still see the activities of the party and how its leaders in delta have treated themselves so far.

Omo-agege is also seen to be shopping to grab the shoes of the senate President if he secures the ticket to return to the house as a senator of the federal republic because he is not going to get a soft landing at the primary elections even when he is the incumbent senator from the Delta south, and because of the complains coming from some part of the state on his political influence so far as the deputy senate President and not been able to carry the people of the south South zone along as their leader.
With these it seems that Omo-agege have not yet understood the regional values it takes to be a deputy senate President representing the south south people. At least we saw what the former deputy senate President in the personality of senator Ike Ekweremadu did for the south east people.
The senate is a place where the main politics is played in the return of a senator in his or her second term if need be.

A senator can be blocked from returning to the chambers by other fellow senators who are said can setup a gangup with good funds on election Day to mess one up. We saw how senator Dino Melaye was stopped, we can't say that some of members of the national assembly senate chambers don't have a hand in that.

Once they see you as a stombling block you are not needed to remain in that house.
We shall treat this in another of our series but now we like you to put your minds on the reasons why we have called senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege a man who is shopping with three shoes on one leg.

Senator Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege
Shopping with three shoes on one leg
Omo-agege is a sound Politiacan who rode into glory with the aid of campaigning against bad leadership in delta and today found himself as the deputy Senate President of Nigeria, even from a minority Urhobo tribe in Delta state.

He has up to 60percent chances of becoming the senate President in 2023 If the power in the centre refuses to change hands with a  northern president under the APC. The reason is open to understand here.
The style of keeping power totally in the north will not work for the APC again as general Buhari have done so far.

If the president is north west as the ball is rolling towards at the moment, the vice president must be from the south, let's say south west, which is not a bad idea for the senate President to come from the south south because the South south have not enjoyed such a privilege position as far as the south south is concerned. So for this matter not to be a case of injustice a southern senator should be considered, and in this consideration senator Omo-agege as an experienced principal officer of the senate having been the deputy senate President and sometimes presiding over the house should be given the said opportunity to serve as the 2023 president of the senate.
This will propel a true and sound judgement for a balance political agenda for Nigeria and will re-agenda a smooth running of the affairs of quality leadership in the next dispensation.

On the other hand we should also look at the Omo-agege forces as in the area of been the Delta state Governor come 2023, for me it's the greatest mistake Omo-agege would ever carryout thinking he's that popular to take delta as governor. It's only better to drive a political machinery to the last bus stop with all sincerity to achieving the goals that will keep the machinery intact for the next mission instead of breaking it into pieces without gaining anything at the end of the day.
Omo-agege should gun for the position of the presidency of the senate as the best and most experienced senator coming from the south south zone and let a smaller individual with better academic and professional influence run Delta as governor because the South south needs a quality element to hustle power from the centre for the values of our zonal and regional agrandazation with it's regards to the sense of belonging which the south south people need at this point in time.

The position of Delta Governor to me is not what a man with such a super legislative respect and class as Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege should hustle for at this time of our political history. We need him to remain at the centre to be able to gather values to the region, while another hot and sound personality could be drafted into power in delta.
Someone who's intergrity and dignity is not sinking at all.

A man who has what it takes to build the new Delta of our dreams.
On this note we should look out for OKOWA's replacement by spreading our political sparetacles on the values of respect, discipline, intergrity, dignity, responsiveness, capacity and avialibility of interests from our underlisted persons.

We have some names penciled down for the governorship position as such, and should be x-trayed as required by who they are and what school of thoughts they represent in the political arena across Delta and Nigeria as a whole.

Chief Great Ogboru / Governorship hopeful countless times since 1999
We have Great Ogboru who is said to have contested times without number is like a man with a misplaced vision.
He's old in the act of contesting and the people don't think he would be that winning material for this 2023 elections as he's not the only person in the state or the Urhobo Nation qualified to represent that political block as a delta governorship candidate. Some see him as a spoiler in this fort coming elections if he dears.

While others are also saying even if the PDP endorsed him to run under its umbrella shades he won't be able to make it at the end of the day because the forces against Great Ogboru is not a small issue. That's a story for the god's to answer. He's said to be too rigged, authoritative as a leader and wouldn't listen to the people in terms of decision making to better the state.

Another person is one of the directors of the transcorp Hilton Organisation Olorogun O'tega, a man believed to have lead the APC from its formation level in delta state. He's said not to be a foresighted political calculating machine but has the quality of building a force for the battle ahead.

Olorogun O'tega APC pioneer leader in Delta state since 2015/Former Governorship hopeful
Remember that in politics some people are born builders of the force but can not be contestants at the same time. It's just like a director of publicity during a political campaigns and as minister of information. These two jobs are alot different from each other and that's why men like Lia Mohammed of the APC is finding it very difficult to sell general Buhari to Nigerians even in his second term in office.
The strategies are diferent but alike as if it's the same thing.
One of these carries it's activities as a propaganda while the other flows the info as a mobilization tool with soft language.
So O'tega is said to be a man who builds for the days of the battle and there he should stay so that the party can win and stand against the PDP come 2023.

Senator James Manager
We can also look towards the corridors of the living room of senator James manager, a man said to have been in the senate since 1999 when Democracy returned to Nigeria. He is a man who have seen it all. He knows everybody in the business of politics across Nigeria and beyond.

But the fact remains that Manager doesn't have this classic touch of been a state Governor of such because he's too Marticulous facially and in character. He is not a realist or social democrat if you ask me. For me he should be seen of a positive conservative in his talk-points over the years.

He's a too serious personality and the position of Delta Governor should be for the socialists or else the state will suffer so much in social life of the people via his leadership.

And moreover Delta State have grown past the era where old men rule. A younger blood should be given the chance to star at this time around.

There's another very qualified and respected political juganunt we call the elephant hidding in the centre who is too claim for the linings of our kind of politics in Nigeria. He likes to do it the way it's done around the world forgetting that we are rocking a home groomed Democracy. He's name is Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba.

Dr Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba DG/CEO
National Biosafety Management Agency
This man is sound and ready if you ask me because we have seen his intecedence as the classic pioneer Director General and CEO of the National Biosafety Management agency NBMA in Abuja.

Ebegba is said to be a man who understands local and international politics as a national representative to the international community at the United nations on Biosafety Matters for getting to six years now.

He's good at playing responsive politics at the centre. He represents no political party as the director general and CEO of NBMA with his first term appointment by the president Goodluck Jonathan administration which was based on merit as a former civil servant from the federal ministry of environment in 2015 and got reappointed again as the DG in 2015 by the general Buhari led administration.

He is a lover of the youths and also said that the Delta youths must stand up for themselves to be elected into political positions so that the Delta state leadership for 2023 would be a youthful one at a glance.

And If he's considered by PDP or the APC as the next Delta state Governor, sure Delta should expect to see a (10) ten times positivity of what Cross River state is enjoying today under the able leadership of Prof. Benedict Ayade who is doing excellently good at the moment.

Dr Ebegba can be talked into the race because he has everything a good Delta Governor should have.
Somebody who is totally clean from whatever financial crime every other person is charged with and educated enough to hold and help build a new Delta state come 2023. He's already been mensioned in some quarters as another quality and possible political element to take up the number Governorship job in delta state come 2023.

Dr Ebegba have not been seen anytime in the circle of politicians in delta so far, so we wouldn't know if he's going to agree to take the call of the people to run in this race already discribed as the hottest election in delta state since it's creation because of the intrigues playing itself already.

Another person we want to bring our way is the current PDP Delta state Chairman. Barrister Kingsley Osiso. He is said to be an James Ibori and senator Okowa political family member with very loyal charactistics. He is said to be another very sound Politiacan from the sepele side of the Urhobo Nation. He has the potential of taking up the Delta state job within the PDP. He loves to do the right thing at the right time, he's a very humble person who also understands the Delta politics too.

Barrister Kingsley Osiso PDP Delta Chairma
For me if you want to hear my candid opinion on the matter of the best of all and best in all, I will say barrister Kingsley Osiso the Delta state Chairman of the peoples democratic party PDP should also be given a chance because he has the quality to be the governor.
He's the best man in the PDP at the moment but unfortunately selling him would be a difficult job because of the not too good performance of the Okowa led administration.
We say not too good performance of the Okowa government because we have see alot of projects handled by this administration with bottlenecks in its finishing across Delta.

The roads even inside the capital city of Asaba are not well done at all, when the rains fall you can still see water gathering like a mini river on the said new roads done in not less than (1) one year.
The projects are poorly executed and therefore shouldn't be seen as a project meant for the good of the people.

The people's project should be properly funded and executed and monitored so the best can come out and we have not seen such in the OKOWA's project. So the PDP using barrister Kingsley as it's candidate would spend ten (10) times in funds and otherwise in making Kingsley governor come 2023 then what was used in putting Okowa as Governor in 2015.
This poor performance of Okowa also has lots to do with the non performance of Dr Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan's administration.

Senator Ifeanyi Okowa Delta Governor
Delta hasn't been lucky enough to have a governor that would help build a truely new Delta for the good of the people. The people need to be employed and empowered and do not need white elephant projects of no values at the moment.

For Nigerian politiacans the only way public funds could be looted is by engaging in white elephant projects where contracts can be over rated with large sums of inflated prices.

Delta children need to attend quality schools and market women and the youths need soft loans to trade, and local and foreign investment with industries created to provide a quality stability in the Delta economy and the  eradication of the high rate in crimes in our communities and the looting of public funds in government establishments.

Delta state can be moved from this comatose stage of non performance leadership to people who have shown the world that they have the will to do which is most paramount of all.

Finally I love to state herein that the battle for the seat of the Delta state Governor is expected to be between the PDP and the APC as usual but this time around the candidates might be jogged as it is seen today in the Edo and Ondo governorship breakdown where a former APC governor is running under the opposition PDP party and the former governorship hopeful of the former candidate who ran with the opposition party is running under the ruling APC party.
For now I can say that delta state people know that the best two names listed here should be given the chance to star.

Notwithstanding, every analyst have his or her political calculation as political events unfolds. So for now we are presenting the two best personalities for the two sides of the divide to choose who should be their candidates.

In civilized Democracy parties are known for approaching quality and respectful individuals to come join their party for the need to have them as candidates for winning elections.

They don't wait for them to make up their minds they invite them for talks and sell the idea to them which germinates into the best of all in the future.

Moreorless, we saw the likes of the democrats party looking out for men such as Barack Obama and others to join them, and it worked for tham at the end of the day. So there's nothing wrong if the PDP and APC in delta start to toll on this part in politics. If a political party wants to take power in a given area it is not a wrong idea for them to shop outside their party for a formidable aspirant that has the winning power to help the party.

Political parties are suppose to be a vehicle of political intergrity and dignity in the propagation of quality and good governance most especially to promote the rule of law as in a Democracy.

In the final case of the Ovie Obaisiri Omo-agege political moves, he's also expected to chinch the vice president position under the APC if Governor Nasir Elrufia makes it as it's presidential candidate now that Ahmed Bola Tinubu's lineup of loyalist with Adams Oshiomhole as their head are all discarded without respect by the general seating like a mice in also rock.

As the leader of the south south in the APC, he would be able to gather good grounds and support for the APC to win the south south in the presidential stage of the election.

South south people can play a whole to getting the vice presidential position which is not a bad one at all.

The north wouldn't want to have a seal with the south east because of their old time beef inherited from the military junta's who ruled Nigeria with the iron gloves.

Omo-agege is going to suppress people with his style of politics. He plays it very well for now. He's not been able to be distracted and this will be a spoiler to the hungry vice presidential elements from the south like Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, the man I call the lion from the South. A man who understands the politics of Nigeria.

He knows his limits as a governor and have been able to use it in pushing aside all wrong elements sent by the APC in the centre as it's said to disstabilize the political values of Rivers state over the years.

With Wike and Omo-agege as vice presidential hopefuls from the two serious political parties in Nigeria the battle ground will surely suffer the hardest pain of its life.

In my closing remarks I would like to say the grounds will regret holding itself in the soil of Nigeria come 2023 because this election will be the most intriguing and deceiving in terms of who becomes party candidates and who wins at the end of the day.

Let's finish by asking some strong questions which would help us track the next series.

With general Buhari holding over power come 2023, will the APC retain itself as a winning political platform?

Question is because we have seen what the APC had passed through for the past months with the president displaying a serious incompetence by not been able to handle the crisis in the party.

The Executives have been resolved and a caretaker group formed to host a convention with all his own men in control.

What will be the end point of the APC after Buhari is discarded out of power by the Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.

Will APC be able to outsmart the PDP again at the centre.

Let's wait for this news as the next write up series builds up a stronger debate on these matters arising.

Stay safe and follow your leader.

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