OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Saturday 23 May 2020


We must not allow the Pandemic destroy our remaining socio-economic and political foundations when we have to sharpen our future using our own hands by deciding who rules us with purpose of true democracy which have been our system of governance since 1999 when democracy returned to Nigeria. We shall look at a positive comparison on individuals who should be on the news and branded for the seat of governor in the oil rich delta state of Nigeria.
Written by -: Barry Avotu Johnson 1st:

As the coronavirus hits the world with its deadly killing spree in Europe, the Americans and the middle east, Africans have not been spared in anyway because the virus is also taking the largest part of its economy which wasn’t even doing great before the drastic human oppressor took over the nation of China thereby leaving the continent of Africa with the breakage of her GDP falling down to the trash cans with the barest minimal as almost all the financial institutions across bounds have suffered losses that are imaginable. Take for example Nigeria’s stock market standing as the biggest losers in the African financial breakdown.

In the case of the coronavirus in Nigeria what a lot of people think when asked to make comments on the way forward as the virus ravages the globe will hear as their comments will shock you so much that one would be thinking that the outbreak of the covid-19 in the land is coming as part of the iniquity of the sins committed by some of our political leaders in Nigeria who personally decide to loot the nation and keep their people in abject poverty with so much nonchalant attitude of the will to do the needful for the good of the nation.

With everything happening so far it is very clear to see that covid-19 has become a business of looting for our politicians instead of looking out for ways to combat the virus from spreading across the nation.
It is said on the news that individuals and organizations donated and are still sending donations to the federal government and the presidential task force have not been able to find solutions to the issues of the virus spreading like wildfire across Nigeria. On the case of the donations we have heard words against one another. 

We cant even tell a true picture of who donated what and what the funds were used for, just like the Abacha loots that have refused to stop coming from time to time without information on what the monies were used for as said by the blind and focus less administration of president Buhari.

As the coronavirus continues to hold grounds in Nigeria and providing a looting mechanism for politicians across the nation, politicians have started laying foundations on the 2023 general elections with the aim that power must change hands this time from the APC and PDP into a fresh political arrangement where quality leadership could be felt since the dual of the ruling party and the strongest opposition party couldn’t deliver the nation from poverty and economic instability over the years.

Most of the well-known politicians in Nigeria have started pitching their tents in some political associations we have seen gathering themselves at social engagements even before the most dreaded coronavirus propelled president Buhari to lockdown the federal capital city of Abuja, Lagos, the center point of this administration’s bleeding economy and the south west state of Ogun respectively.

If you look at our kind of politics in nigeria you would understand that we are not interested in quality leadership and good governance where the rule of law and the respect for democracy and its norms are considered even by the authorities who are expected to sell its citizens with the values. That’s why I have always said in my writing series that Nigeria can only work when we have leaders that have the will power to do the needful. Nigeria needs willed powered individuals to come up to contest in elections so that the best of hands can be in the best positions to redirect the likes and values of democracy as a system of governance we all have decided to use in running Nigeria as a nation on the move for the best of all to its people.  

All we have heard so far in these poorest democratic leadership in Nigeria since 2015 when President Buhari was said to have won the challenged election is money sharing from the north to the south to the east and west without seeing anybody who can show anything for it. Even at this covid-19 pandemic period where Buhari’s minister said they shared almost twenty billion naira without any evidence that the poorest of the poor citizens got the money when they can not even provide voters cards or national identity cards to Nigerians for close to five years now, we don’t know how the money was shared nationwide.  

Our question here is that if voters cards and the national identity cards couldn’t be given in years how come they found a method of sharing money to millions of people in a few days. I think this is the time where the national assemble must stand up to its reason of creation. The looting is this administration is getting to the nose of the world at this time of so much pain.

In this series I would like you to see my possible political elements that can march the battle for the number seat in delta state where I know would spark up the political movement in the forth coming 2023 general elections in nigeria.

Delta is a place where it will all start from because the shocking graduation of the deputy senate president into office shouldn’t be underated. Senator Ovie Omo-agege as our deputy senate president wouldn’t just seat down and look as others try to overturn the political table in delta for the 2023 struggles.

It is said that delta state is the only state that power move around the people in a rotational style with the aim of the hands of its former governor chief James Ibori over the years.

So therefore, the battle for the soul of delta is practically expected to stir in the hands of the underlisted personalities rising from the said rationed location in the Urhobo speaking part of the state.
We shall outline these possible individuals are try to briefly x-ray them in this series with a conclusive version in our subsequence series which shall surely drop once in two weeks for our basic political drama and elucidations.

Number one on our list is the time in, timeout governorship lion Chief Great Ogboru, APC founder in delta as a whole Olorogun O’tega Omehor, Chief Barrister Ovie Omo-agege the Deputy Senate President himself who is the new found love for the Urhobo kingdom and finally one Dr. Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba who is the present Director General and CEO of the National Biosafety Management Agency NBMA, a man who is said to have everything a responsive governor of delta should possess. 

These four men are the men whosoever should look out for in the forth coming 2023 delta governorship elections because delta state is a state where two years before an election a possible winner is seen in all its ramifications. As we ride on I will be able to unveil to you every strength, weakness and vision each person holds as the aspirations of the people moves closer to the door steps of these great deltans for the good of Nigeria.

The name listings of the possible individuals focused as possible governors of delta for the 2023 governorship race is coming at this time because we must remind ourselves that a good time to do a setup for a considerable electioneering formation is most responsively two years to the expiration of a seating governor. It gives the people the opportunity to see through the best person amongst those presented in the frontline by political associations and parties beforehand.

This will go a long way to buttress the image of voting into office a personality that has all that is requested from the people. We want the best man for the job this time around so we shall be seeing a public opinion polls on social media that will provide us the perimeters to judge a voting result sent in by the delta people on who should represent whatever party at the final stages of the candidate and party representation.

Moreover, this and more will also guide the parties to find out the most responsible aspirant that can stand the taste of time. 

We hereby use this opportunity to introduce our possible 2023 delta governors to the world.

1.   Chief Great Ogboru; This personality is well-known in delta state and Nigeria over the years. He’s a political known with court cases against whosoever he contests against. He was once accused to have been involved in coup plotting during the military era in Nigeria.

It is considered that age is on his side this time around because the people would really prefer a much younger person to lead them towards a digital divide. IF am asked to roll my personal opinion on Great Ogboru as a possible delta governor come 2023 I would say he should just relax and let it go to a much more younger person so he can be at the senate or as a minister of the republic. To be been a governor is not by force. If the people don’t vote you there’s nothing one can do. Although when God says yes who can be against him. Power is in the hands of God almighty.   
2.   Olorogun O’tega Omehor; This person is said to be the founding father of the APC in delta state in 2025 when president Buhari became leader of Nigeria.
He is said to control a huge force in the APC in delta that is now called an inside party opposition group. He is very connected on the national front of the party but is still looking towards a general acceptance in the delta politics. I think politics is not about just one person, its about the people so a people should be considered to a person. O’tega can be delta governor if he plays the ball rolling towards the stockholders who controls the areas, he O’tega won’t be able to march with power for power and money for money. But for the now he has his name on our list and we are watching him closely as a possible delta governor to be.

3.   Chief Barrister Ovie Omo-agege; Okay! This is one very strong political piythom that has the federal mighty at hand and can do and undo using the power from the centre to actualize vthe 2023 dream of hes interested at all. Although been the deputy senate president in this administration doesn’t guaranty that he would remain as deputy senate president in the 2023 period. Nigeria is a nation where political power can sweng from the north to south in disagreement of sorts. So it is very dicey to say he wont be interesting to take up the governorship role come 2023. Moreover we saw the governors of katsina and Sokoto state Governor Aminu Bello Masari and Goveronr Tambuwal flexing their executive governorship powers after running the national assembly as the honorable speakers of federal house of representatives respectively. But will it not be an insult to the capacity of the deputy senate president to bend to the floor to beg for votes as governor to be? Well, politicaians in nigeria are the most shameless individuals we can find in any profession because we find them saying this to in a campagn and say yet another thing after they get the votes from the people, like for example in 2015 president Buhari promised to pay #5000 cash to every graduated university student in nigeria until job is provide to them and since 2015 election nobody have received any payment in that regard. 
Or are we talking about president Buahri who told Nigerians that the book raham insurgents will be destroyed in one year or so, and up till this very hour as I write book haram have been killing Nigerians and the media have been asked not to report their activities so that people wouldn’t be informed of the bad state they have been killing people on a daily bases. 

Let’s see if the DSP would accept the call of his supporters to contest for the delta governor come 2023. Although he can be deceived out of power by his political enemies to contest so that they can move to the senate while they would turnaround and plot his failure as delta governor. 

Elections are won with very good calculations of the political party in place and the oppositions too at the other side. Popularity alone cant make a person to win an election, most especially that delta is a strong place where politicians fight to a finish to win a position. If you ask me to talk, I would say it’s the riskiest thing to do for the DSP to contest for governor come 2023. It will be very hard a river to cross for him honestly. 
I say this because as the new Urhobo nation political leader if he comes and eventually fails to take power his political history is closed for ever and with a very sad end which we won’t enjoy to read in future.      

4.   Dr. Rufus Eseoghene Ebegba; Yes, Dr Rufus as his fondly addressed by his friends and family is said to be a very strong elephant who has never ventured into politics of sort in delta state ever. DR Rufus is a said to be a technocrat who understands the difference between the politics of policy and the policy of politics because he has been a civil servant with great influence and reputation for years and graduated into national politics of becoming the director general and ceo of the national biosafety management agency NBMA under the president Goodluck Jonathan administration and got reappointed again for the second tenor by the president Buhari administration and he is said to be doing excellently wonderful.  His name came up on the list of possible men of value that can take delta and keep it safe for the good of the people. He has everything it takes to be a good delta governor come 2023 if voted by the people. 

If voted as delta governor he will run the affairs of the state with the experience of been a civil servant and a politician who sees the future of the people. Although when his name came up not many agreed that he should enter the final listings until his responsive personality was discovered to be a person filled with respect to people and a great sense of concern for a people-oriented program in his place of work over six years now. 

Dr Ebegba holds an academic credence to distribute towards a new delta where education must be valued. His relationship with the center national power of the president’s cabinet will play a good one for him if he finally accepts the call of his people to come build a superlative delta in 2023. Some friends of mine in the media said Rd Ebegba is a gentle elephant hiding in the center and would not be able to hide anymore. 

 To win governorship elections in Nigeria one needs to open up to so much influence with other strong elements by their own rights. A good politician can never underrate anybody during elections. He or she needs everybody to scale through to win.  

We have seen the men who will the at the frontline possibly come 2023 in delta state and with time we shall bring you exclusive interviews we are arranging to have with them from time to time until the last day we present the 2023 delta governor to the world and whenever we have a new dimension in a twist to our news story we can report it as soon as it breaks. If another personality plays him or herself into the lists you will read it in a new series.

Delta is one is of the hardest and strongest political battlefield in the Nigerian political terrain and it should not be taken for grand most especially because we house the deputy senate president who would be preparing to enter the shoes of the senate president in the next dispensation if power moves towards the north east of Nigeria at the center. 

As I end this series here, I like to advice the federal government of Nigeria under president Buhari to please look into the issues of the coronavirus funds disbursement and the school feeding program which is already a looting point for the enemies of Nigeria. Nigerians have the right to know why children are at home for the government stay at home coronavirus policy and yet the feeding program is still going on. This gives us the impetus to ask this administration some questions begging for answers for some time now.

How does this government know the houses of all the children in our primary schools that are enjoying the feeding program?
So how is the food passed to the children while at home?
Who are the contractors and vendors that are in the position to cook and feed the children?

Do they have the evidence that the children got the food since they started sharing the foods to their house doorstep?    
Its just a shame that Buhari’s appointees are not been sincere at all. These questions of mine can’t be answered because we all know that its not possible to find these children when they are out of school. Nigeria doesn’t have the database for such thing and we shouldn’t pretend abut it so we can start finding ways to building such database for future usage.    


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