OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Thursday 9 May 2019


- Barry Avotu Johnson 1st – 08174493381 –
This far, so poor, the people of kogi state have continued to rate the affairs of government to be the worst ever in its history as a state.
There have been so much counter accusations rolling from the people to government, government to government and of cause from the ruling party APC to the PDP and so on respectively.
The affairs of leadership in kogi state have remained 80% a blame game undermining the politics that have covered the faces of the people.
It is a known fact that a lot of politicians in the state have refused to speak on issues pertaining to the political and economical aspects which is expected to lead to a glomming state where the people would enjoy the good things in a good government elected by the people.
So far, every responsive call or SMS made to the said to be stockholders in the PDP and APC governorship race have proved abortive all because they are all afraid to be the first to be kicked off by the people with statements made by themselves.
We don’t see any reason why one would be doing consultation as an aspirant for an election and is not talking to the press on what the people need to know and hear about that particular candidacy.
As a democracy student, it is said that immediately any person under the rules of democracy jets open an aspiration in consultation with a person or groups that individual must be available to the watch DOG of the people which is the press. We are here to let the people know at every point in time who is interested in any political position, why the person wants to contest, how the campaign will go, where the activities will start and why the person in question wants to be whatsoever. Politics is not a one man game because it’s game of numbers.
I personally don’t see any reason why one is making consultation and do not wish to speak to the press on the said aspirations. If its true that the major reason why anyone wants to lead kogi as the next governor is channelled at good governance, then it is an obligation for every aspiration to be out in the media for the people to start preparing their minds on who to vote for.
Moreso, most of the times the press wants to talk to an aspirant about his or her aspirations, its always for the people to have a first hand information about the person in question. Nobody must be offended when the press is inviting you to answer questions about your aspiration because your aspirations has everything to do with the people and the future of the state in all its ramifications.
Not allowing yourself to be available to the press is also not allowing the people to have a first hand information about your candidacy at the end of the day. And in that note anything the media writes on your account is what the people would have at the back of their mind about your person.
All we are trying to say here is that the media owes it totally 100% to the people if it doesn’t inform them with the right news at the right time.
The media plays almost 60% of what makes an aspiration a reality at the end of the day. So any political party or individual who thinks or feels the media has nothing to play in his or her life as a political figure is done with whatsoever aspiration is inside the cooking pot.
Politics is local and for sure the localness of politics makes it the only connection with the people at every given point in time.
We have seen in the recent past where politicians have the need to have their aspirational messages reach the people and the only way to put that into action is by using the press. And that has helped a lot to make the people build a sound relationship with the people who voted them into office at the first place.
The 2019 kogi state governorship election is going to be the hottest of all times because of the players that have shown interest over time to become the number one man in the state.
Kogi state is said to be the most troubled state in northern Nigeria over the years since democracy returned in 1999 when OBJ was president. And the major reasons why it is so is because the people have refused to vote into office personalities that have the credible values of leadership so that the people themselves can enjoy what states like Lagos, Rivers, Delta, Anambra, AKWA Ibom and Bayelsa are enjoying today. Apart Rivers and Bayelsa states who need to do much more in the areas of security. These are the best watching states any incoming kogi governor should copy in terms of the total love for people and state.
Kogi state is one of the best state God gave to the northern Nigeria with the natural and human resources abounds across the state but because of poor leadership and individual coloration of self the state have sufferers so much more.
It is very correct that after every election is come and gone the kogi state people push themselves away from anyone who eventually wins and let him or her remain in the mist of anyone who wishes to plunder the state and when another election draws nearer then you see them coming back to regroup to see how they can use the failing part of that particular leadership to fight lost battles like is been done today to yahaya bello who is said to be under so much fire from men who think he’s not qualified to lead kogi state through another four years term.
Yahaya Bello is said to be enjoying so much support from the eastern part of kogi state undermining the cry’s of the people from that area of the state over three years now.
The Igala nation is dominative of the eastern part of kogi state and they are said to be divided for the first time along the lines of the removal of bello and replacing him with an Igala son who would hold the Igala nation as first to whatsoever issues of matters arising in government.
These piece is centred on the possibilities of fielding a positive and generally accepted personality that can beat bello hands down with a lesser work for the people to do.
Having said this, it will be pertinent to note that bello also is not going to be an easy fly to kill like a lot of the Igalas think, or to crack because as a serving governor he has a political machinery that is mobile with so much funds as backups and the youths are said to be hungry enough to work for his victory.
When the youths who vote are hungry they can do whatsoever they are asked to do as far as the money is on the way. Because of the way the youths of kogi state have suffered so far they can do everything you ask them to do all in the name of give me the money so my family can have a life.
Am saying this because we saw what happened to senator Dino Melaye and how some youths were paid to disgrace him as a senator in this country. Do you think if kogi state is on a positive track where the youths are busy farming, trading or even sporting anyone of them would agree to be filed into fighting a lost battle we all witnessed. The youths are the massive force that every government needs in the arrangement of building a great state and not to be used by men in power to cause more trouble of unrest for the people who have already faced so much stress in life under the poor leadership of past governments.
We have all seen the way the SDP senate candidate suffered so much from youths used by politicians in the just concluded elections in the state, the youths were the ones used and the major reasons why they accepted to be used is because theres hunger in the land. And that hunger is what would jeopardise the interest of any other political party who comes into the elections without having enough funds to lick rob the hands of the people.
I said that the people are very happy that the election for the position of governor is coming up, when asked why, they said there is going to be a lot of monies in the area for them and their families to collect from all the interested candidates gunning for the position.
The people are waiting so much to take what they said belongs to them, meaning that the politics of kogi is all about the money and not about competence at any time.
All they are waiting to get is money and nothing can ever stop them from getting it no matter what anyone says. All the delegates are waiting, the executive members are also waiting and they have been like this for years. This is said to be one of the major reasons why the right person can’t ever be kogi governor.
The question is that if the Igala nation decides to replace bello at the end of the day who will they push forward. Our team of expert have been pushed into the field to ask the said delegates of the PDP that question and in our subsequent stories we shall be letting the cat out of the bag with the view of the people in tact.
But for now we love to outline some of the facts and figures that makes us think there is a gun powder that is working against the PDP for Bello to remain in office by all means.
Politics is said to be described also as the battle of the control of power by any means, be it military, democracy or militocracy, a new democratic system of governance which is said to be adopted by the APC's president Buhari where the people means nothing to the leadership in terms of policies and politics. And a system of leadership that doesn’t regard any respect for the rule of law, human rights and branded with characteristics of impunity against the citizens who voted them into office. In fact, it is fact to say militocracy is a system of leadership that is fused with some military character and a little democracy activities to make the public think the people have a right to choice.
But unfortunately for the APC in kogi state the people would never take that for a style of democracy which the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria approves for all states to follow.
The people are ready to prove a point in this governorship elections planned for November. And what we are going to see is a total display of monies from the parties and candidates at the end of the day and the highest bidder would just be the winners of the elections. The people are only ready to take whatsoever funds that can come their way undermining the crime associated with vote selling and buying instituted by the law which have not been seen to have convicted anyone so far in Nigeria accept for a very few hear say after the presidential elections which was characterized by so much vote buying and selling around northern Nigeria on behalf of the APC presidential candidate.
Some of the under listed are part and parcel of the make up of the burning fire said to be lit by the Bello political setup controlled by an Igala son who is the chief of staff at the government house.
Gun powder is a very hot and dangerous substance material that the gun which is a battle tool needs in the firing of a spotted target by its handlers. And that gun powder is what puts the gun in action. Without the powder which is also called the bullets too, the gun remains an empty fighting tool in the hands of a solider no matter how huge the structure of the fighter looks like.
And these gun powder plays a very important role in the politics of kogi state in terms of who will make up as governor come November no matter what anyone says or thinks.
We have carried out a mini research and discovered the Bello leadership has a lot of elements that can be mentioned as such a character called the gun powder.
The chief of staff Mr Edward Onoja is a classic candidate that can be fixed into such a role because since the Bello administration came into power he has been very active and it is said that he has been the one behind the romance between the Igala youth nation and the Igala Royal father ‘The Attah  of Igala land, having had such a solid friendship with the governor overtime.
Edward Onoja, a former banking financial expert with so much political reputations at the moment and as the leader of the new school politicians in kogi is breaking down every wall that has a wrong eyes for development in kogi is how they see him. Butwould be very suppressed at the end of the day if his principal don’t make it back to government house. The reason why it will be a shocking spree is because this young man is said to have been able to wind almost every youth residing at home to support the Bello administration, we saw how everyone supported the APC to win all the state house of assembly seats in the state in the just concluded elections. Although the election is said to have been rigged by the bello APC team.
But honestly if you allow me to answer a question like a non kogi indigene, I would say that the elections were won with a strategic underground formula both with rigging and true voting. Moreover there is no total rigging free elections anywhere in the world, it is only in Nigeria that a failed politician would say he or she was rigged out of play.
All we have seen is that Edward Onoja is a strong political weapon from kogi east that have been able to mobilize the youths in particular as a formidable force against anyone ganging tight to remove Bello.
As am writing this news story am not going to be shocked to also talk about the breakaway of Edward Onoja from the Bello political setup before or after the governorship elections because politics in Nigeria is a funny game. We support when we all are benefiting together, but immediately there’s something we cants hold as a team the centre scatters and you see everyone looking out for a soft landing to save their heads from even opposition parties whom that have insulted over the years as criminals and shameless elements of disunity.
Edward Onoja carries different names in the lips of the different political groups fashioning out ways to put their person in power. Some say he’s a very wicked Igala son who is ready to take everything to himself and forget about others, while another team is saying Edward is a man who loves to tangle with whosoever is ready to bring anything positive for the new direction government of Yahaya bello.
In politics definitely it is not everybody that will love your person and it is not also everybody that you yourself would love too. Edward is doing what every responsive chief of staff would do to return his boss to office. The truth is this, if Onoja doesn’t work this hard to save the head of the party in his own zone, as a politician he has failed and that failure will not help in strategizing for the return of his boss. More so, if the governor fails to remain Edward too would go with the governor, so who wouldn’t want to remain in power to prove a point of been the best of all.
Truth remains that Edward is a hard stone that shouldn’t be take for granted and we have seen a strong political pillar in him, making up a candidate for the 2023 election which seems to many like 100 years to come. He is only preparing for the battle ahead of bello's return as governor.
With the eyes of the eagle, this is very instructive and very correct t to note that if the PDP fails to present a solid candidate that can replace Bello as 2019 governor, it is certain that Edward Onoja is automatically drafted by the arrangements into the pots of power that will eventually be cooked into reality as the governor after bello with a smooth seal of the people pushing him full time with a total support.
Another personality is the newly senator elect Jubril, he was said to have been worked into power single headedly by Edward Onoja as the senate elect so that greater ways can be paved for a solid return of bello.
The senator elect was said to have been one of the stumbling blocks  that would have given bello a run for his position only that he lacks funds to enter a battle with other better accepted politicians like Dr Omede the former commissioner in the state, former NBL’s brand/regional manager and private sector business roundtable executive Dr Mohammed Shaibu Tettes and federal government’s respected administrative guru Engineer Musa Wada.
Would the senator elect work for a bello to return as governor even now that he has been worked  into becoming a senator with no dime of his as expenditures, people say every good turn deserves another, but not for the game of politics in Nigeria because we have seen a lot of individuals who bite the fingers that feed them. We have seen men like governor Ambode of Lagos vs former governor Tinubu, governor Rotimi Ameachi of rivers state vs governor Wike and the likes of Senator Godswill Apkabio vs governor Udum Emmanuel, Kano state Kwankwazo vs Ganduje popularly called Gandollor by the politicians in Kano and finally the Sokoto state governor Tanbuwal Waziri vs Senator Wamiko.
If he supports Bello’s return, we shall all see him running around when the campaign sets the fire brighter in some very few months to come. But its very untrue to say he has the east in his pocket. He wouldn’t have been able to get the senate seat if not for the joining forces of bello coupled with the understanding and calculation of Edward Onoja closing the doors against a Jubril governorship bid that won’t have been solid enough to counter bello even if he’s running under a party like the PDP.
So I would say that fate made Jubril Ochocho a senator out of nothing but the unfortunate politically wrong calculation minted into action by the forces of the APC, thinking there’s a better fire under the longed aspirations of the former bank executive turned politician roundly addressed as Ochocho by his supporters over the years.
Finally, let’s look at the support strength of bello that is said to be coming from the palace of the Attah of Igalaland. He is said to be enjoying so much friendship with the royal father who many said doesn’t hold any water.
Was talking with a very few stockholders in Idah recently and they jumped up on the highest of their tunes to say their king can never determined who will be the next governor of the state.
Let me quote them saying; “we respect our king as our royal father but he has not gotten the power to mobilise the Eastern part of the state to support anyone on the next governorship election”. He’s only a traditional ruler who is the custodian of the cultures and traditional heritage of the Igala nation and not a politician who will say his people must vote for his choice person.
It won’t work for him this time, if bello is playing around that side he should think twice because the people will never obey any word coming from the palace on politics. He’s not a politician and anyone who’s collecting monies form the bello administration said to be meant for the Igala king, is a jobber. That is another way to dupe the governor and his team.
The Attah will not and can not work Bello back into office because there’s no water in using him as a point of contact. The power that will return the governor has nothing to do with the Attah in question, the only thing the Attah can do no matter how much he likes Bello is to bless him personally with a fatherly blessings and maybe if he can come out to vote personally for him as a person if at all he votes.
So far, we are trying to figure out some hidden agenda if there’s any plans by the supporters from the Igala nation in any pattern practicing to dance a song at the last minute to be me decamp and join forces with the opposition to finally uproot Bello forever from kogi politics.
Let’s wait to see who will stay with yahaya bello till the end of the game and what will happen to those who falls off the train with Bello winning.
The gun powder behind yahaya bello remains Edward Onoja for me because he has all it takes to pull the youths for bello as far as am concerned. He did a sample of it in the east by making sure that the senate seat is captured by all means alongside all other house of assembly members.
But we still have a lot of people saying that till the last mintue, anything can happen. So let’s open our eyes and watch how the drama rolls.
Lastly my question falls at, will Edward Onoja as Bello's gun powder work the magic this time around, because the politics of local government chairman, state and federal house of assembly or presidential election are not the same. The state governorship election is the hardest of all elections across the world and kogi state is surely going to see something new in its voting pattern this time around.
A hungry man is a angry man, so it is with the youths of kogi state, they are as angry as a wounded lion.
I can see the clock is ticking in my spirit with so much excitement already. Let's wait till the end indeed.

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