OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Monday 23 November 2015



The recent political development in kogi state has played the balls backwards in the eyes of a lot of people who think a particular tribe could hold onto power for ever because of their numeration in the state.
 The politics of kogi state has always been designed in the background of tribal understanding over the years. And that has been the major setback for good and quality leadership since 1999 when Nigeria was returned to a democracy.

The ethic lines had brought the late prince Abubakar Audu as governor in 1999 under the All Nigeria Peoples Party, ANPP and he ruled for just ne tenor where he was accused of stealing and chartering away the kogi state peoples money in the tone of more than (eleven billion naira) without a successful refund after a mini probe by the economic and financial crime commission EFCC.
Late Audu’s weakness was said to in wreck less spending and that made the former president obasenjo to put an eye on how kogi state people would vote him out of power in his second bid to remain in power as the kogi state governor in 2003. He was replaced by a hotel operator known as Alhaji Ibrahim Idris with a full support from the Igala nation.

Governor Ibrahim Idris won as governor of kogi state in 2003 while Prince Audu was busy rolling a court case against an Igala agreed candidate who enjoyed the blessings of the people and traditional head of the Igala nation respectively.
The Igala nation’s elites as they are called continued to dictate on the single way for the state that if you are not from the Igala nation you will not be given the chance to rock as a governorship candidate in any of the political parties in kogi state.

It was a vow that was made according to our source in a mini research of how kogi state would enjoy quality leadership after all the Igala son who have ruled the state had done nothing but to reduce the values of the state by stealing the peoples money and do nothing to the state in terms of economic or social development.

Kogi state has been recorded as one of the poorest and direst states in Africa in the recent past with Igala sons as the governors on seat. Kogi has all, everything it takes to be the richest state in Nigeria with human and natural resources settled on every part of the state from north, south, east or west but because of the backwardness in economic policies by the men who ruled the state since 1999.
Kogi is a transit state in Nigeria and is expected to take the advantage of that favor from God to better the lives of the people but instead these same Igala sons only have their eyes fixed on the federal allocations coming from the federal government and it is said that non of the governors of kogi can account for the internally generated revenue when they were governors of the state respectively.

Before the 215 governorship elections in kogi it was said that the kogi state people prayed for a new face to come as the next governor of kogi but unfortunately the names that mad it as flag bearer of the two popular political parties were two Igala sons who had a very bad times as governors of the state.

The faces couldn’t make it because of the factor of the Igala nation ideology which has dented the values of the making a quality individual from another tribe governor kogi.

The people of kogi state, most especial the youths never wanted an Idris Wada nor an Abubakar Audu because of their bad leadership style of governance.

They openly accuse Prince Audu of too authoritarian in leadership and wants to rule like a king thereby taking all the leadership decisions as a single leader while Idris Wada is also accused of been too slow and very larsadorsical in carrying out the right project at the right time for the development of kogi as a state. He, Wada inherited a bastardized kogi state and he too is trying to leave a more bastardized kogi behind.
But the youths had no opinions but to push their support for the best out of the worst candidates presented by the political parties in their primary elections.

They actually wanted pdp to present Jubril Ochicho while the APC would present the young and ever ready Yahaya Bello, and for them the contest would have been the contest of life for a better kogi state with younger generation on board.

Two great who has all, everything it takes to repair the broken walls of kogi state.
For example, if you have ever seen Yahaya Bello on a one on one account you will understand what the matter is because you will shade tears unknowingly when he talks with you passionately on what should be done for kogi state to be moved from this present condition of lack of infrastructural development, employment and how kogi is in a state of total collapse as a state.
As for Jubril Ochicho, he couldn’t make it as the PDP candidate according to our source that he doesn’t have time to talk with his loyal supporters in the party. So the supporters he has in the past have all become disloyal to him because he refuses to service loyalty after losing primary elections in the past.

While in the case of Yahaya Bello, the people wanted him but the lion in Prince Audu played the filed, the players and the referees at the same time on the center stage. It was said that even the late prince himself feared Yahaya Bello when he saw the style of followership he got before and duration the primary elections across the 21 local government areas. Prince was afraid of only Yahaya Bello on the day of the elections in Lokoja.

Yahaya Bello lost to a fighter who had been fighting since 1999 and had all the money and support from some big wings of the national caucus of the party. It was said that senator bola Tinubu and Rabiu Kwankwaso were men behind the prince and the people were the only ones that Yahaya had with him.

The people were in poverties and polished dial minutes with money plus local charms to vote for Prince Audu at the APC primaries in Lokoja.
This was the first time Prince Audu stood in a primary and Yahaya Bello was the only man that gave him a fight for his money because it was all about the money. The delegates wanted money and never cared about the right person who could take kogi state to the next level.

The prince had all the money, national support and also he built the party as the leader in the state, he was like a father of the party and at the end he used the machineries of the party to stand out as the candidate that no one could beat.

Everyone knew that the prince was going to win after all but Yahaya Bello pushed on harder and better to win as the second man standing.
The people wanted Yahaya Bello as their new APC candidate flag bearer but for the fact that money was paid to the delegates with the clause of a ritual tied to it that if you have collected money in favor to vote prince Audu and you don’t, you will be responsible to whatsoever happens to you at the end of the day because the money given to all delegates had been connected to a spiritual means in the occult world.
This was said to have been done by the prince Audu’s camp because in the recent past it was recorded that delegates collects so much money from candidates and do not still vote for them. So this was a new means to mobilize the delegates to victory by hook or by crook at all cost for late Audu. A lot of people don’t understand that our electioneering process has its due process not minding whatever a legal practitioner has to say on a national TV after the death of a candidate who ran under a political party to contest an election.

The constitution spite that a candidate must contest an election as a flag bearer under a political party. So on the ballot paper the name photo of the candidate, logo of the political party is what appears on the ballot leaf, appears or something the name and logo of the party is what you see on the ballot papers for intending voters to see and in due curse be able to identify the party dirty wish to vote for at the polls.

It is only in Nigeria see a lawyer thinking nonsense just to favor a client in court our lawyers world see a mo case deal and would still want to push a client to fight an empty battle all because of what would enter their pockets they don’t care anymore on what it is to loss a case.

The Kogi elections was inconclusive by the time prince Audu stormed and died, oh may his gentle soul rest in peace.

So how can a deputy take control in an election that concluded because the man character candidates dead in the cause of the election it should be understood that Prince Abubakar Audu stood as the flag bearer of the political party called the APC and before he became the flag bearer of the party he contested a primary election with results making him the winner with a second and a third person who also contested the elections with him as candidates too hoping to stand in the general elections against other parties.

So in the context of the above with the contesting of the primary elections to be feed as the apc candidate at the general elections representing the party, it is said by law and with a constitutional backings  that since Audu is representing the party and if anything like death happens to the party candidate, then the person who took the second position in the primary elections enters the shoes of the dead person who was the party’s rep during an inconclusive election because the deputy wasn’t a contestants at the primary election where Prince Audu won as a flag bearer of the party.
He, the deputy was only a choosing choice of the party’s dead flag bearer in the person of Prince Audu as at the time of the that the elections were still on going because the mandate given by the people wasn’t for the individual candidate but for the political party because the Audu candidate didn’t stand in the general elections as an individual candidate in the election but as a candidate with the mandate of the party given by the people who are lovers of the political party respectively.

Our lawyers just should please try to understand a situation before jumping into a national tv to get the polity heated because they are seeking a court case from a client.
We have passed that phase of our national life and all this and that must be corrected so we can run a nation with so much values and the respect for the rule of law.

We should put the values of our nation in front of whatever we do and it should be the driving force in whatever we do as citizens of Nigeria.
Yes Prince Audu’s dead trying to be governor again with the votes of the people for the party and with the mandate of the party as a flag bearer, and the mandate can even be withdrawn even if he’s alive by the party if finding wanting by the EFCC because he wasn’t sworn in as the democratically elected governor with the clause of humility.    

The elections were inconclusive as at the time Prince Audu was declared dead and the constitution is understood that prince contested a primary elections under a political party with other against him so by this values the second in the roll of winners who is ALHAJI YAHAYA BELLO should be the person to take over after from where the party candidate stopped in the elections. What Prince Audu deserves is that the party should celebrate him Prince Audu by appointing one of his sons as a commissioner in the APC government of kogi state or whatever in respect of the father who fought gallantly for the party to take over power in a destroyed PDP state since 2003.

In the case of the deputy taking over, it can only be when the elections were concluded and the inec in charged had gone ahead to declare APC as the winner of the general elections.
Thereby the deputy takes charge as the new governor while the appointment of a new deputy would be made by himself or in consultation with the party to do so.

But in the case of Prince Audu the elections were inconclusive as at the time he was announced dead and the elections had no winner but a leading party. Moreover the mandate given at any representative election is given not to the candidate but to the political party in question during the elections.    

Alhaji Yahaya Bello has a clear case of winning any case pushed against his mandate as the authentic flag bearer of the APC governorship in kogi state. No lawyer can stand the misconceptions against the fact and values of our constitution in this matter.
APC should not waste anytime in respecting the decision and orders of our constitution which states and identifies ALHAJI YAHAYA BELLO as the first kogi state constitutionally elected governor of kogi state.

Nevertheless the leader of the APC in person of President Mohammudu BUHARI should for the sake of peace and national integrity plus for God sake don’t allow disgruntled elements of our political history record yet another political distrust which will at the end of the day provide hatred and red tapism in kogi state. the right man is presented by the constitution and the kogi state APC working committee should with immediate effect do a public announcement of the name of ALHAJI YAHAYA BELLO as the next in line as the APC flag bearer in the 2015 kogi state governorship elections.
Let the role of the law be respected so that the true values of good governance can have a life out of what ever sound of music is played by which so ever tribe in kogi state.

That’s why we want other states to borrow leaf from delta state which enjoys so much from the rotation of the delta state governorship posisition and that has been a credit to delta state because it has brought so much peace to the state in general.
In the past there’s no way any one from any other tribe can be the governor of delta state without having a support deal work with the Urobo people but today the story is different because of the political rotational understanding shared by the delta people shared by the running class that leadership must go round so that everyone can feel a sense of belonging in the affairs of leadership in delta state.

We officially welcome the first non Igala nation governor of kogi state in the responsive capacity of a reputable son of the Igbiri nation in the person of ALHAJI YAHAYA BELLO.

Let the people of kogi state celebrate with high latitude of thanksgiving for a God gift as governor because this ia discovered that the death of PRINCE ABUBAKAR AUDU has opens a new way for kogi state with AHAJI YAHAYA BELLO as kogi governor under the APC

Written by
Ceo/Founder Btvnigeria
Direct line: 09020033004.  


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