OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

OBIDATT2023 Showdown Music Concert

Friday 17 October 2014

Peter Obi Is A Political Disgrace

I was seven (7) years old when the Nigerian Civil War ended in 1970 but I can recollect a particular song we were taught in the primary school then. It goes like this;   
Peter Obi
Biafran War veterans later confirmed the song to be a regular during their morning drills. The song essentially is a lamentation over Major Emmanuel Ifeajuna’s sabotage of Odumegwu Ojukwu led Biafran Army. His treachery led to astronomical number of Ibo deaths. Peter Obi has betrayed the Ibos in pretty much the same fashion. For those born after the civil war, a father or an uncle can relay the event. Major Emmanuel Ifeajuna’s was a native of Umudei Village, Onitsha.
Peter Obi formally joined PDP on the 8th day of October, 2014 after years of riding on the ship called APGA, powered by the unconditional support of the Ibos as a consequence of their undiluted belief in the Late Chief Odumegwu Ojukwu. He (Peter Obi) was the adopted and biological son of Odumegwu Ojukwu. Promises and assurances were rampant all geared towards APGA as the Ibo mouth-piece. Peter Obi, APGA and the Ibos were triplets.
If Mr. Peter Obi can still operate with the best of conscience after demolishing my hotel and obliterating my personality for self-interest or error of judgement if he says so, and never bothered about the resultant economic impact on my family and dependants till date, it basically means that he has no conscience.
By jumping ship, Peter Obi chooses to be a man of vain ambition and not a god as he deceived Anambrarians. I add, to the extent he can renegade on the promises and son-ship to both Ojukwu and the people of Ibo race through APGA platform, to that extent he is not a man of integrity talk less of honour. A man, who cannot be trusted in that regard, cannot be trusted in all regards.
The exploitation and abuse of Ibo peoples trust became complete and total when Peter obi collectively intoxicated the Ibo population with his “HERO” brand of beer, with Biafran logo as label, rooted on Odumegwu Ojukwu being our hero. Consumption of the beer became a religion for the Ibos. Where then does his sainthood persona fit into his present treacherous act? Sainthood project which he practically financed with all the money meant for Obiano’s administration two (2) months before his exit from power.
It was evident from the photo session of his decamping to PDP that, every single Anambra State PDP heavy weight was not present. Charity ought to have started from the home front. On the word “integrity” used repeatedly by the speakers at the event, it was out of place abinitio. It was an educated mockery of the host.
From the above premises, Peter Obi of bloated prudent spending and near perfect governorship is no less a bundle of low integrity like all average politicians. The presidency ought to grasp what played out at Anambra State as it relates to Peter Obi’s defection to PDP which he made people to believe that it was to enable him support Goodluck Jonathan fully in 2015. That is not the truth. Abinitio, the Ibos under Ohaneze including APGA led by a straight forward personality in the person of Willie Obiano has comprehensively adopted Goodluck Jonathan for 2015 election.
The collective support of the Ibos and APGA in particular for President Goodluck Jonathan must not be appropriated by a singular individual called Peter Obi. The Ibos in general are presently nursing their emotional dislocation stemming from Peter Obi’s treachery, but we have to move on. He is now a political mortuary as far as the Ibos are concerned.
Willie Obiano hold the final key that will put paid on Peter Obi’s prudency and integrity claim by publishing Anambra State accounting position for eight (8) years of his tenure including the specifics of the investments said to have been made on our behalf.
On the same breath, I have also commenced the process of forming an association of pronounced victims of Obi’s abuse of power via . Victims should send details and contact information to this site via our email . abuses that are clearly unlawful will be taken up by my team of lawyers in his personal capacity as his immunity then, never extended to unlawful acts.
   Bonaventure C. Mokwe is an APGA Chieftain in Aguata L.G.A, Anambra State. 

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